I welcome you.
I offer you compassionate support in the exploration of your sensations, your pleasure, and your sensuality.
I invite you to relax, to embrace and love yourself as you are, to express and receive what you deeply desire.
Together, we create a space where everything is welcome — all that you are, all that you experience: your words, your emotions, your sounds, your movements, your story, your aspirations, your doubts, and your insights...
A gentle, gradual, and deep journey to:
Awaken pleasure and joy in every dimension of your being.
Transform and integrate your shadow parts.
Embrace and celebrate your erotic self.
I believe that your body naturally gravitates toward health and pleasure, just as a plant turns toward the light of the sun.
I recognize that we are designed to seek balance, integrity, pleasure, and connection. An that feeling pleasure is an essential function of our evolution.
I accept that any self-destructive behavior, symptom, or limiting belief is a logical response to repeated experiences of a lack of safety and connection.
I honor our deepest essence as made of Love and Light — a source of renewal, harmony, and profound interconnection.
* Tantric Massage
* Sexological Bodywork
* Dearmoring
* Classic Thaï
* Chi Nei Tsang
* Karsai Nei Tsang
* Somatic Coaching.
* Wheel of Consent.
* Compassionate Inquiry.
* Re-parenting/ Inner Child Healing..
* Shadow work.
* Yoga and meditation.
Holistic Tantric Healing
Somatic Coaching
Treatment session
In this space of trust and intimacy, you can relax deeply. You can finally be who you are and simply receive.
The session includes:
A short verbal consultation,
A Meditation,
The Massage,
A sound relaxation,
A final integration time.
Depending on your intention and the needs of your body, the massage includes healing and pleasure phases in varying proportions.
Awakening and circulating sexual energy in full consciousness teaches the body to welcome intensity in relaxation.
The goal of this massage is:
To welcome and love all parts of your body with the same presence.
To harmonize energy circulation.
To activate your vitality and creativity.
To cultivate your ability to experience ecstatic states, also called energetic orgasms or whole body orgasms.
To access states of expanded consciousness.
Emotional and energetic releases may occur. We welcome whatever manifests to be loved and integrated.
We are naked during the massage. I use my hands, arms and legs during the treatment. The massage is not reciprocal.
Coaching session
A session is a containing and secure space to explore your intimacy.
This is a unique opportunity for self-care and recognition. My priority is your physical, emotional and spiritual safety.
A session always includes:
Time to share what you feel,
Moments of bodily refocusing: breathing, meditation, movement.
A practice space whose content is co-created with you. Depending on your intentions, this can include: meditation, somatic exercises, games around the consent wheel, touch, inner child healing, breath work.
Time for integration.
In this session:
You are the content expert. I am the facilitator and process expert.
You are here to learn, to connect with your own wisdom.
The intention is to change ways of being (knowledge, behaviors, beliefs).
Support is adaptive and co-creative.
I am also sometimes in the position of educator, to transmit knowledge (on the nervous system, anatomy, sexuality, etc.) and open up possibilities.
Sessions Guidelines
The session is customized individually.
I have a duty of confidentiality.
Before a session starts, your boundaries are clearly outlined, honored and respected at all times.
The session never includes sexual services such as intercourse, exchange of body fluids, kisses, etc.
The session is paid on arrival, preferably by cash and possibly by bank transfer or paypal.
If you cancel within 24 hours before your session, you must pay a 50% cancellation fee.
Previous cancellations are free.
"There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, an acceleration that translates into action through you, and because there is only one example of you in all eternity of time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist again through another channel and will be lost. The world will not have it (...) Keep the channel open.
-Martha Graham