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Online courses

"There will come a day, when you will understand that the whole universe lives within you.

Then you will be a magician.

As a magician you do not live in the world, the world lives inside you.


When this happens you will begin manifesting instead of attracting

and you will realize that you lack nothing,

you just haven't yet seen within you what you are looking for."


Merlin the Wizard

Love - Shadow - Light

A three-step exploration into the art of Inner Alchemy.

“You have to have chaos within yourself to give birth to a dancing star.”

F. Nietzche

Dear human,

To accompany you on your path I offer you 3 trips. Three dives into the art of being oneself and the world, in the art of living.

In each of them you will find a combination of bodily, emotional and mental practices that act in synergy to illuminate and harmonize your inner garden.

Together they compose an evolving journey that follows the movement of the seasons. Cyclical movement that resonates with the intimate variations of our inner world.

LOVE: “the art of loving yourself”
From spring buds to autumn harvests our journey in LOVE will take place... a time of listening, tenderness and reconnection to ourselves to fully inhabit our body and embrace our experience with full presence.

SHADOW: “the art of becoming whole”
From the harvests of September to the long nights of December it is the descent into the darkness and cold of winter. Symbolic death of the solar star, descent of Persephone to the underground kingdom... We will take the opportunity to dive into our depths and integrate our SHADOW parts.

LIGHT: “the art of cultivating joy”
From the depths of winter until the spring equinox it is the rebirth of the solar star, the renewal of vital energy. This is where LIGHT will take place, to raise our vibrations, channel our creative energy and manifest the life we desire.


"Yohanna's joy of living, her kindness and the multiple knowledge that she shared with us with great generosity were a real gift during these 3 trips. I had a very beautiful experience which allows me to continue on the path of mindfulness with new, very concrete tools and a broader vision. A long-term investment, the journey continues..."


Prochains voyages...

OUI! Je veux savoir quand débute le prochain voyage !!

Merci de vous être abonné !



Chaque module s'articule en une suite de 5 à 6 cours étendus sur une période de 10 à 12 Semaines.


Chaque cours se compose de

- Contenus théoriques et pratiques audio et vidéo à écouter et pratiquer chez vous.

- Un cours en live pour pratiquer en collectif, poser des questions et partager nos expériences.

-> Les contenus sont publiés une dizaine de jours avant le cours en live.

Le tout peut se suivre en Live ou en Replay.

Le cours est ensuite disponible pendant un an.

Libre à vous de cheminer avec moi pour un ou plusieurs modules, selon votre intérêt et votre disponibilité.

Pour chaque module vous pouvez vous inscrire jusqu'à la deuxième semaine et rattraper le premier cours en Replay.



Nous voulons vivre dans la joie et l'abondance, agir selon nos valeurs, grandir et nous déployer. Mais une part de nous tente de nous garder dans une zone connue... Même si cela signifie attaché-e-s à des habitudes toxiques, limités par des mécanismes de protection qui créent inlassablement les mêmes douloureuses répétitions. Il existe pourtant un chemin pour apprendre de nos part blessées, pour les dénouer et réintégrer leur énergie libérée dans notre système.


En cultivant l’Art de s’aimer nous accédons à une plus grande liberté de mouvement dans cet espace que nous appelons "moi". Cette aisance intérieure nous reconnecte à notre essence qui est vaste, libre et créatrice. En nous reliant à tout ce qui est cette qualité de présence nous permet aussi de prendre meilleur soin de nos relations.


Soigner notre écologie intérieure n’est pas un luxe mais un apprentissage précieux pour reprendre en main notre équilibre et celui de notre planète.


Voir ci dessous "à propos d'argent"

Un grand merci à tous ceux et celles qui valorisent mon travail, il est le fruit de nombreuses années d’études, d’explorations et de formations... passionnantes mais aussi longues et coûteuses.

Si vous jouez le jeu je pourrai continuer d'en faire profiter un maximum de personnes grâce à vous  :)

"The miracle is not walking on water.

The miracle is walking in the fresh grass and realize that it is a miracle."


Thich Nhat Han

A propos de l'argent

About Money

To try to escape a system that artificially creates wealth and poverty, I decided not to sell my services but to accept donations from people who appreciate my work and wish to support me.

Through this decision, I also wish to cultivate my confidence in the abundance of life and my belief in inclusion rather than exclusion.

Concretely, your participation in the course, the workshop or the immersion is offered to you by a person who, before you, made this trip, found it enriching and decided to offer it to a stranger: you.

If at the end of the course, you too feel enriched, you can offer this trip to a stranger and give, depending on what you have received and your current finances.


If you would like to make a financial donation to me you can do so by:

PAYPAL. Donations to in the “gift to a friend” category . Payment by credit card is also available through PayPal (no account required).  

BANK TRANSFER. Download the RIB.

If you would like to offer me another form of donation you can write to me at to offer me an exchange.

See you soon :)

PayPal ButtonPayPal Button
Little Free Price Guide.

By definition a free price is that "you give what you want"... From little to a lot... It's free! So no judgment on your donations. I find that, small or large, each donation is precious, it simply matters to me that it is made consciously.

To help those who have difficulty finding their way, I would like to give you a range of prices that can be used to support your thinking.

So for this 5-6 course process…

* I am super broke, I have trouble making ends meet, paying my rent or even not paying it because I can't afford it: €15/course, (€30/month)

* I have some income, I have a place of my own, I live modestly but it's okay: 20€/lesson.

* I have a stable situation, I have money set aside: 30€/course.

* I have a good salary, I own my own home, I have money set aside, I am comfortable: €40/lesson.

* All this is good and what's more I really enjoyed your course and I want to support your work: 60€/course.

This range is wide because we can find ourselves in very different situations. It is of course valid if the content of the course pleased you and is useful to you! You are free to position yourself there by respecting what seems right to you.

It is also possible to offer me a donation other than money. Please contact me by email about this.


I want to be informed of upcoming events!

Don’t worry, I’m not going to invade you! I don't have time :)

Thank you for your registration!

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